Woohoo! You are done with the browser-based work. Please see the TUTORIAL for next steps.

Your province map has been downloaded. Now you can edit your provinces. When you are done, click proceed to go on to save your files.

Now it is time to download the image files. Click below to choose the files to download. Do not move away from this page until your heightmap has downloaded. This may take some time, but the page will automatically redirect to further instructions when it is finished.

Download Image Files
Now it is time to download the text files. Click below to choose the files to download.

Do you want to override your zoomed in map with your flat map? This will give the entire map a paper feel. If you do this, there is no going back.

Download Text Files
Be patient, your provinces are generating.
Save Settings
+Zoom In
-Zoom Out
Random Map
Edit Provinces

Empire Loc.:

Kingdom Loc.:

Duchy Loc.:

County Loc.:

Province Loc.:

Province Name:

Faith Loc:

Culture Loc:

Def. ID:




Draw Full Province Map
Draw Labeled Province Map
Draw Only Land Provinces Map
Draw Only Water Provinces Map
Draw County Map
Draw Duchy Map
Draw Kingdom Map
Draw Empire Map
Proceed to File Saving

Crusader Kings 3 Procedural Map Generator

A TUTORIAL is available on the discord. This project is in early Alpha - please adjust your expectations accordingly. Your feedback and support are invaluable as we continue to develop and refine this tool.

Current State of the Generator

1. Basic Procedural Map Generation: The generator creates the basic files you need to get a map up and running. This is our first iteration, focusing on creating a functional and stable base for future enhancements.

2. Limited User Interface: Interact with a simplified UI designed for ease of use. While the design is minimalist, it provides all necessary controls to begin experimenting with map generation.

3. Rough Edges: Both the generator and generated maps have many rough edges and visible seams.

4. Bugs and Errors: Don't be surprised if you encounter bugs and errors in the generator or in game. Help us by reporting those bugs to the discord or on Github. For example, we had greatly reduced the error log before Legends of the Dead was released, but we have not had time to address the growth following release.

5. Random Generation: Our goal is to create a generator that allows deep generation of history and lore to provide something more than a map to play on and randomly generated cultures and titles to play with. We've made great progress on this goal recently, but those developments are not camera-ready for this initial Alpha release. Alpha 0.1 maintains the mostly random distributions you might have seen in previous map releases.

How You Can Help

We invite you to join the community on Discord, share suggestions, report bugs, and contribute to development either through Discord or Github.

Thank you for being a part of this early stage of the Procedural Map Generator. We are committed to creating a robust tool that enhances your Crusader Kings 3 experience. Stay tuned for updates.

Happy mapping!

-ck2rpg, 6/29/24

Alpha 0.20.1 Release Change Log

  • Bug Fix: the right side editor for titles, cultures, and faiths now scrolls to avoid entries overflowing into empty white space.
  • Bug Fix: The map options menu on left side of screen is now hidden after province generation.
  • Bug Fix: the right-side title, culture, and faith editing menu is now properly hidden after you proceed to file saving.
  • Known Issue: The update results in two editor menus after you generate provinces. The UI for these needs to be combined. Additionally, there should be a way to navigate and edit heritage/culture and religion/faith after generating provinces, just as there is for titles. It is on my list.

  • Note: If you have not updated yet, I strongly recommend switching to the Alpha 0.20.0 template and checking out the new Youtube tutorial. While I plan to make changes to the older templates for backwards compatibility, it is not high on my list. While in Alpha, I am less concerned about breaking changes because each generation is a one-off that can be done with a new template.
  • Note 2: If you have previously generated a map, I do plan to release a list of things you can do to bring your map up to RTP, but it likely will be this weekend.

Alpha 0.20.0 Release Change Log

  • Feature: Added Culture and Faith map modes to the map generation screen, which allows you to draw cultures and faiths onto the map. The designated territories of the cultures and faiths will encompass any generated province locators that fall within that territory.
  • Feature: Added culture and faith editors to the new drawing mode. You will see this new menu on the right side of your screen. When you click on a color swatch for a culture or faith, it will switch to that culture or faith's color. When you click on the name of the culture or faith, it will bring up an editor.
  • Feature: Added title drawing mode and editor.
  • Feature: When drawing a title, the generator will look to your culture and faith generation settings. In other words, if a culture is supposed to be assigned per kingdom, each kingdom you draw will automatically spawn a culture and cultural territory. You can change these options dynamically between drawing different elements (e.g., move from culture per kingdom to culture per county for an area). Any spawned cultures will then be visible on the culture map mode.
  • Feature: Added a "Roguelike" map mode on the map generation screen.
  • Feature: Added a button to save your generator settings as a text file that can later be loaded into the generator.
  • Feature: Added an image overlay import to allow tracing from an image.
  • Feature: The generator will generate a single placeholder landless title and character to avoid error log spam.
  • Bug Fix: Users identified a bug with random holder selection, which resulted in a random holder level being selected across the board instead of for each landed title hierarchy. This bug has been fixed. Now, each a random holder level is selected for each title hierarchy (e.g., all titles within X de jure empire will have holders generated at duchy level and no higher).
  • Bug Fix: Removed outdated relic magnify button from menu.
  • Bug fix: Fixed flavorization bug causing "Caliph of" nothing localization for princes.

Alpha 0.19.0 Release

Ethnicities and Palettes

Alpha 0.19.0 Release

Feature: Reimplemented random skin, eye, and hair color generation, which was removed after Alpha 0.1, as an option under the culture tab. By default, vanilla ethnicities will be used unless you select random.
Bug Fix: The random ethnicity option was not working due to some missing checks. This has been fixed.

Alpha 0.18.1 Release

Bug Fix: empires

Alpha 0.18.1 Release

Bug fix: Two missing pieces of code were preventing empires from generating either when "Random" holder level was selected or "Empire" level was selected. In both cases, at most kingdoms would be generated. This bug has been corrected, and empires should now generate as expected in both cases.

Alpha 0.18.0 Release

Initial Noise Solution

Alpha 0.18.0 Release

Template Change: I uploaded a noise-based map to the workshop and Paradox Mods. I suggest using it or the (Not) Afria map for your new template. This avoids the bug, mentioned in previous updates, causing larger than 4096x2048 maps to crash for some users. Feature: Added a "Random Map" button to the top right of the generator screen. When you click on it, it will use simplex noise to produce a map. The current approach is based on hotspots and noise. Customization options will be added in the future.
Feature: When you change resolutions, instead of running a spread process to generate a new map, it will runt he random map function discussed above. This will address the spreading lines with only ocean that you often see on resolution change.
Note: The generated "Random Maps" currently do not play nice with the "Spread" process. I suggest using other editing functions.
Note: The generated "Random Map" often contains very small islands that do not end up getting land provinced. I'm fine with this because I just see those islands as uninhabitable. If you don't want this, you may need to drop the islands by hand for now
Bug fix: Removed excessive console logs related to languages from earlier testing.

Alpha 0.17.4 Release

Fixed dynasty localization bug

0.17.4 Change Log

A recent change was causing dynasties to not have localization. I fixed it.

Alpha 0.17.3 Release

Removed map table from template

0.17.3 Change Log

I removed the map table from the template because it is causing clipping errors. I also want to see if it fixes the GPU error/crash that four users have encountered and are discussing in the ask-for-tool-help channel on discord.

Alpha 0.17.2 Release

Additional CTDs fix

0.17.2 Change Log

Addresses a bug in Alpha 0.17.1 that was causing default.map to generate with a duplicate province and a missing placeholder sea province (where the placeholder was necessary). I believe this change will finally resolve the CTD bug, "Province '%i' has no associated title in common/landed_titles. FIX THIS. Game will probably crash if you don't" for those who are experiencing it on lower resolution generations.

Alpha 0.17.1 Release

Additional CTDs fix

0.17.1 Change Log

Changes to the way placeholders were handled has been causing the placeholder color to be seen on provinces.png but not assigned in definitions file or Default.map. As a result, a widely inconsistent CTD bug has been causing headaches for several users. I revised the placeholder code to ensure that it correctly determined whether a placeholder was needed and added it if it was to definitions and default.map. I have tested it on 512x256 resolution and 8,192x4,096 map size, and it worked without CTD. Please let me know if your CTDs continue.

Alpha 0.17.0 Release

New map template

0.17.0 Change Log

Feature: A new map template is available here. From initial tests, it appears to greatly reduce the size of the error log. It also brings the map table back.

Alpha 0.16.4 Release

Fixed ocean locators

0.16.4 Change Log

Bug fix: Ocean locators now generate correctly and are properly moved by script.

Alpha 0.16.3 Release

Fixed CTD bug and other bug fixes.

0.16.3 Change Log

Bug fix: After probably 15 hours of bug hunting a silent CTD error, I found the issue. A recent change to the Gimp postprocessing script removed some code necessary for proper transfer of object masks (left one out). The map editor would try to make it work but mostly just CTD without noting an error. Finally, after hundreds of attempts at fixing other possible issues, the map editor was able to spit into the log that one of the masks was too large. I tracked it back to the python script.
Bug fix: I removed many vowels and consonants from the language generator because they were throwing errors in the log when used as keys. I need to rework that aspect of the generation to use generic keys and then reintroduce.
Bug fix: With the gimp script fix, I also was able to implement my previous solution to the blurring problem. Now, your masks will not blur if you have same size/resolution map. Heightmap will have minor blurring applied to avoid massive drops near water.

Alpha 0.16.2 Release

Allow low res maps

0.16.2 Change Log

River maps now properly generate for (1) maps with the same map size and resolution and (2) maps with a map size of 8,192x4,096 and resolution of 512x256. I will be able to add proper rivers for additional map/resolution sizes, but I have to draw templates for any maps that are not equal to their resolution, which is time consuming and not my first priority.

Alpha 0.16.1 Release

Hot fix to gimp script

0.16.1 Change Log

Bug fix: Changes to the Gimp postprocessing script in 0.16.0 were causing crashes to desktop. I reverted to the old script as a hot fix while I work on a fix. In the meantime, the newly reinstated river maps will not line up exactly with coasts. This should be a mostly easy fix to some formatting and logic issues in the revised gimp script.

Alpha 0.16.0 Release

Language Fixes

0.16.0 Change Log

Feature: River generation now works for all map sizes.
Feature: Map and resolution Size now must be paired. This is necessary for the river fix.
Feature: Wetlands and farmlands generation are now based on a noise-based approach that looks at elevation, chunk size, and scattershot settings. These settings can be toggled under the "Features" tab. I did not add floodplains back in with this update because they are too persnickety and the masking always looks awful.
Geography fix: Taiga no longer shows up as an arctic ever-snow terrain mask. Instead, you will see much more variation in taiga. The arctic/snow mono-terrain has been removed but might be added back in the future as impassable ice caps or just faaaaaar north low development areas? We'll see what the community wants on that front.
Bug fix: Fixed a bug that was causing maps of less than vanilla map size to have unassigned terrain mask areas (areas showing as pink/transparent in map editor and black in game). One aspect of the fix requires downloading an additional file called settings.txt, which the revised python script now reads. You MUST use the new python postprocessing script on Github, which has been updated with it.
Bug fix: Fixed inconsistent references to sea level in a few places in code, which was causing difficult to track terrain bugs.
Bug fix: Dynasty names now use the language of the culture instead of the old trigram approach.
Bug fix: An earlier performance improvement changed the way that the low res map is mapped to the map size. This introduced an issue with the timing of cell terrain mask assignment that was causing abnormal assignments. I fixed this issue.
Bug fix: A typo of a misplaced equals sign was causing ocean provinces to not have their placeholder "sea" terrain assigned properly, which caused issues in tracking oceans. This typo has been corrected, and oceans are now correctly tracked.
Bug fix: I previously removed file saving for several terrain masks that the generator does not use but accidentally removed some that it does or would soon again. "Where have all the farmlands and wetlands gone?" you might ask... They're back!

Alpha 0.15.1 Release

Language Fixes

0.15.1 Change Log

Bug fix: 0.15.0 was not catching non-english vowels and consonants in language generator. Added these in. Also added an arabic seed to the mix.

Alpha 0.15.0 Release

Language and Perfromance updates

0.15.0 Change Log

Feature: Rebuilt language generation/naming from scratch. The new approach moves away from phonetics and syllable-based generation, which the old approach used, to probabilistic constraints based on seed languages. Essentially, a seed text is parsed for all possible initial, middle, and final consonants, vowels, and clusters. Constraints are then probabilistically applied to reduce those possibilities further. For example, an X probability that the letter "z" will not exist in this language. If met, "z" and every cluster including "z" will be removed from the language possibilities. I also focused on legibility to English speakers. The results, I think, are better than the old approach. I'm still fine-tuning but look forward to your thoughts on the changes.
Performance Improvement: Took steps to free up memory before image downloads. Still working on the too-slow image downloads issue and troubleshooting/considering options.

Alpha 0.14.0 Release

Resolution Performance

0.14.0 Change Log

Performance Improvement: Changing between resolutions should be much faster.
Performance Improvement: Out of memory crashes should be less common for higher resolution. For example, I now generate 8,192x4,096 map size and 8,192x4,096 resolution without problem.
Known Issue: Image downloading remains far too slow. For 8,192x4,096 resolution, it is unbearably slow and likely makes it unworkable even if the memory crashes are resolved. I am working on potential solutions.

Alpha 0.13.0 Release

Development, Settable Eras, Innovations

0.13.0 Change Log

Alpha 0.13.0 introduces the following new features and bug fixes:

  • Set the era for each culture under the history tab. For now, there is no way to vary between cultures, but I am brainstorming ideas on that front.
  • For now, innovations are blanket assigned based on era. Due to limitations in the way files are named, these are added to the cultures through an on action instead of through generated history files.
  • Development levels are procedurally generated as a factor of the average favorability of a county's provinces and the set era. Favorability is based on terrain, resource access, adjacency to water, elevation, and certain favorability factors within a five province zone of that province.
  • Bug fix: Removed certain console logs that were used for testing but slowing down generation.
  • Bug hunt: On a few occasions, generated files have stalled the load for my map editor. I believe the issue is related to generating too many cultures (e.g., setting cultural divergence down to the county level). If you have experienced this or seen issues, please let me know. It is a difficult bug to track down because I have to run a new generation and get to map editor stage each time.
  • Unimplemented in this round: I am still working on more meaningful tradition assignment and didn't want folks to think I forgot about it in this update. Probably next update.

Alpha 0.12.0 Release

Title History Variation

0.12.0 Change Log

I introduced a new History Tab, allowing users to customize the level at which title holders are generated within the game's history. This feature determines the occupancy of titles at the game's start.

  • Random Level: The generator will randomly determine the level for title generation within each de jure empire. In one empire, titles may be fragmented down to the county level, while in another, the empire might remain intact at the game's start.
  • Empire Level: Selecting this level ensures that each de jure empire, along with all subordinate titles, will have generated holders at the game's start.
  • Kingdom Level: Choosing this level ensures that each de jure kingdom, along with its subordinate titles, will have generated holders.
  • Duchy Level: This option generates holders for each de jure duchy and all subordinate titles.
  • County Level: Selecting this option results in a completely fragmented world, with titles broken down to the county level.

Alpha 0.11.0 Release

Religion and Culture options

0.11.0 Change Log

UI: Added culture and religion tabs to the menu.

Feature: Added an option to decide the title tier at which cultural heritages are generated. One culture will be generated at each title of that tier with a separate cultural heritage.

Feature: Added an option to diverge from the selected heritage/culture level. For example, a heritage level of Empire and divergence level of duchy would mean that each empire would have one culture and an associated heritage and each duchy within the empire would have a culture of that heritage.

Feature: Changed keys from a random assortment of letters to a random combination of a random adjective and random other word (usually a noun) mashed together.

QoL: Changed the brush elevation limit from a single limit to an upper and lower limit. Now, you don't have to switch limits back and forth anymore for the raise and lower elevation brushes.

Bug Fix: Water province drawing is now fixed.

Bug Fix: Removed unused error logging code from the now defunct undo-redo function.

Alpha 0.10.0 Release

UI Updates

0.10.0 Change Log

In anticipation of greatly expanding your ability to affect settings, generator internals, and lore and history generation, converted the menu from drop-downs to tabs.

Alpha 0.9.2 Release

Settable max titles within title

0.9.2 Change Log

In response to 0.9.0, some indicated a preference for the ability to change the maximum number of titles within a title. This release implements that feature.

Alpha 0.9.1 Release

Hot fix

0.9.1 Change Log

Hot fix for faulty variable issue in 0.9.0

Alpha 0.9.0 Release

Improvements to landed title generation

0.9.0 Change Log

-Feature: Added settable distance limiters to landed title generation. Essentially, if a title's provinces could be merged into a landed title but one of the provinces is beyond the distance threshold, the title will not merge. This allows you some control over landed title spread. Please test this feature and provide feedback. I've run several tests with the defaults that have been set, and the results are much better. I'm interested to see your results as you use and modify those settings.
-Bug fix: Removed undo/redo button for now because it was too buggy and crashy to be of any real use.
-Code cleanup: Several code clean ups of unused code.
-Poll: if you would appreciate the ability to change the max limit of how many provinces in a county, counties in a duchy, duchies in a kingdom, etc., please let me know over in the suggestions channel on discord. I will add this feature if there is enough interest.

Alpha 0.8.1 Release

Default color change for province drawing

0.8.1 Change Log

-Bug fix: Changed default color for province drawing selection to red to avoid people accidentally painting a province pure black (you can't paint province black in provinces.png).

Alpha 0.8.0 Release

Zoom and Erosion Brush

0.8.0 Change Log

-Feature: Added ability to zoom in and out on a scrollable canvas or reset back to a canvas stretched to window size.
-Feature: Added a rudimentary erosion brush.

Alpha 0.7.0 Release

PakaruMar's UI Updates

0.7.0 Change Log

-Note: A special thank you to Discord user PakaruMar for providing the following UI updates:
-UI: Improved landing page.
-UI: Collapsible menu sections
-UI: A map mode menu
-UI: "Generating World" loading spinner
-UI: New icons
-UI: Code cleanup
-UI: Overall improvements to look and feel

Alpha 0.6.0 Release

Hot fix for hybrid culture names. Limiter for elevation brushes. Province eraser.

0.6.0 Change Log

-Feature: A new "Limit" setting allows you to set a limit over which or under which the raise elevation and lower elevation brushes will not go. For example, a limit of 40 would cause the raise elevation brush to raise AT MOST to 40 elevation. Any cells that are above or under the limit remain unaffected. This will allow you to make more targeted changes (e.g., adding plains to a coastline without affecting the coastline)
-Feature: Added a province eraser brush that will erase any drawn province overrides.
-Fix: Fixed bug where hybrid culture name localization was not being generated.
-Fix: Reduced size of overly large icon file.

Alpha 0.5.2 Release

Full map draw performance improvements

0.5.2 Change Log

-Fix: Improved full map drawing performance by using image data in lieu of pixel by pixel rects.

Alpha 0.5.1 Release

Brush editor performance improvements

0.5.1 Change Log

-Fix: Massively improved the speed and latency of the brush editor for elevation, province, and terrain editing. Night and day difference.

Alpha 0.5.0 Release

Generator and quality of life mprovements

0.5.0 Change Log

-Feature: Added ability to normalize your heightmap by editing the generator-to-heightmap divisor directly from current default of 2. The higher the divisor, the less stark your heightmap and closer your elevation changes. This also should address the jagged terrain problem for smaller maps.
-Feature: Added ability to change the generator's lower elevation limits for hills, mountains, and mountain snow lines.
-Feature: Changed title key naming schema to use the RGB of the province (or capital province for higher tiers) for easier editing.

Alpha 0.4.0 Release

Minor quality of life changes

0.4.0 Change Log

-Feature: Added an option to override zoomed in terrain with flat map through shader generation (thanks to terrapass at mod coop for the inspiration through an unrelated question)
-Feature: Added an equator line to the color map.
-Feature: Added ability to modify broad climate zones. You set the upper limit of their distance from equator, and the zones run sequentially up to their upper distance.
-TUTORIAL UPDATE: I added a new part to step 14 to clarify that you also need to REPACK THE HEIGHTMAP! -Bug Fix: The last update created a problem where heighmaps were showing in their original state on import. I changed it to draw the heightmap in the generator state.
-Bug Fix: Fixed bug where brush power was initially set incorrectly and did not match the slider.
-Known remaining problem from last update: The farther a map size and resolution gets away from vanilla sizes, the more jagged everything becomes. This is due to an error in the blur process in post-processing. I am working on it, but it is not solved yet.

Alpha 0.3.0 Release

Introduced generator resolution!

0.3.0 Change Log

-Feature: Select from multiple generator resolutions. Fair warning that higher resolutions are resource intensive and can lead to out of memory errors. I am working on solutions to this. I'm currently able to run a 4,096x2048 res 8192x4096 map with 32GB ram.
-Feature: Added the ability to modify heightmap imports by multiplying, dividing, or adding to base import on import.
-Bug Fix: Fixed brush indicator bug. Brush indicator now matches even after scaling.
-Bug Fix: Tooltips now work correctly and appear directly above tooltipped features.
-Bug Fix: Replaced several sliders with number inputs because the sliders were too fidgety.

Alpha 0.2.0 Release

Map Sizes!

0.2.0 Change Log

-Feature: Select from 8192x4096, 4096x2048, 2048x1024, and 1024x512 map sizes.

Alpha 0.1.5 Release

Alpha 0.1.5 includes a few bug fixes and backend changes.

0.1.5 Change Log

-Bug fix: Dragging the map editor menu no longer results in a clear background over parts of it.
-Bug fix: I neglected to add UI for previously implemented ability to change province limit, water province limit, and fill in. Added UI here. This feature should be considred unstable and in early user testing. If you reduce the maximum number of provinces, you need to increase the fill limit to give the generator more attempts to correctly fill in larger provinces. Unfortunately, increasing the fill in attempts will reduce the speed of generation fairly significantly.
-Experimental: Added a couple of experimental image generators that are not currently used in the game. Building up to future paper/flat map generation options (e.g., roguelike, pixel art, parchment, etc.).

Alpha 0.1.4 Release

Alpha 0.1.4 removes the need to edit mapobjectdata or rivers.png by resetting the /map_object_data/generated file and processing the rivers.png image with indexing through the Gimp script.

0.1.4 Change Log

-Feature: Generates additional files for the map_object_data/generated folder. -Feature: Gimp script revised to automatically process the rivers.png file and reset the map_object_data/generated folder.

Alpha 0.1.3 Release

Alpha 0.1.3 introduces province painting and editing.

0.1.3 Change Log

-Feature: Paint a land or water province on the map. During province generation, if it has room to grow, it will.
-Feature: Rewrite localization for empires, kingdoms, duchies, counties, provinces, faiths, and cultures by clicking on a province in the province map and defining the related localization.
-Feature: Toggle whether a province is impassable, impassable sea, lake, or river by clicking on the province in the province map and toggling a checkbox.
-Feature: The Gimp post-processing script now prints a message to screen when it is done.
-Feature: While editing provinces, draw a land only province map.
-Feature: While editing provinces, draw a water only province map.
-Feature: While editing provinces, draw empire, kingdom, duchy, and county maps. (Warning: this is a bit slow).
-Bug fix: Terrain painting with mountains now results in correct masking.
-Bug fix: Activities locator is now properly generated.
-Bug fix: Locators are now actually automatically moved during Gimp post-processing script.
-Quality of Life: You no longer need to process your flatmap by hand. It is now done by the Gimp post-processing script.

Alpha 0.1.2 Release

Alpha 0.1.2 includes two hot fixes for issues in the generator: (1) desert_mountains not painting on terrain map and (2) ghostly looking beaches left behind from prior map when you import a height map. There are also some new options under the hood but not exposed through the toolbox yet.

0.1.2 Change Log

Fixed bug preventing desert_mountains from painting in terrain painter.
When you uploaded a heightmap, the system would retain beaches on map from prior map. Fixed this problem.
Added rudimentary ability to modify land and water province limits, no UI for it yet.
Added brush feathering option for circle brush, no UI for it yet.
Restyled terrain selection box to move it closer to toolbox on open.

Alpha 0.1.1 Release

We are thrilled to announce the alpha release 0.1.1 of the Procedural Map Generator for Crusader Kings 3.

0.1.1 Change Log

Added ability to import heightmap.
Added simple noise function.
Stopped drawing rivers initially. Now you must choose to draw rivers because it affects elevation when you rerun rivers.
Added undo button to map generator.
Added redo button to map generator.
Added toggle to allow users to avoid bug causing memory overflows due to undo/redo buttons.
Added a button allowing you to lower elevation of water only (useful for heightmap import work)
Added a button allowing you to raise elevation of land only (useful for heightmap import work)
Fixed bug causing hills around desert mountains to look green.
Fixed bug causing hills around cold climate mountains to look green.
Deleted generated clothing palettes from template file. Clothing is vanilla palette now. Will work on palette generation at some point. Random is boring.
Removed large ears. Will add back as optional with history/lore update.
Added red brush overlay to show where you are on generator.
Minimizable toolbar.
Fixed bug preventing moving to image downloads if winter severity was not checked.
Add generator for descriptor.mod
Added ability to draw a land only province map
Added square and circle brushes for map editor.
Added indicator for paintbrush cursor.
Fixed locator generation and made automatic. Will need to spread combat, etc. locators around province in future release.
Added hybrid culture name generation (keyed to province of creating character).
Added settings to use vanilla ethnicities for now. Will add back in other options with history/lore update.
Removed asset file that was calling old files that are no longer in the mod.
Deleted bugged line in template descriptor.mod that was causing crashes.
Fixed missing 'DeathDeityHerHim' and decay localization for religions.

Generating a New World