* Generates the localization file for all titles in the world.
* This function constructs a string containing the localized names for all titles
* (empires, kingdoms, duchies, counties, and provinces) in the world in YAML format.
* The string is then converted to a downloadable YAML file.
function writeTitleLocalization() {
let t = `${daBom}l_english:\n`
for (let i = 0; i < world.empires.length; i++) {
let empire = world.empires[i]
t += `e_${empire.titleName}: "${empire.localizedTitle}"\n`
for (let i = 0; i < world.kingdoms.length; i++) {
let kingdom = world.kingdoms[i]
t += `k_${kingdom.titleName}: "${kingdom.localizedTitle}"\n`
for (let i = 0; i < world.duchies.length; i++) {
let duchy = world.duchies[i]
t += `d_${duchy.titleName}: "${duchy.localizedTitle}"\n`
for (let i = 0; i < world.counties.length; i++) {
let county = world.counties[i]
t += `c_${county.titleName}: "${county.localizedTitle}"\n`
for (let i = 0; i < world.provinces.length; i++) {
let province = world.provinces[i]
if (province.land) {
t += `b_${province.titleName}: "${province.localizedTitle}"\n`
var data = new Blob([t], {type: 'text/yaml'})
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
let link = `<a id="title_loc_link" download="gtitles_l_english.yml" href="">Download Title Localization</a><br>`
document.getElementById("download-links").innerHTML += `${link}`;
document.getElementById(`title_loc_link`).href = url