* Creates the world by initializing a blank world, setting up spreading centers,
* creating spreading lines, and generating horizontal spreading lines.
function createWorld() {
world.tectonics.spreadingCenters.forEach(center => {
* Initializes a blank world with default settings, geographical points,
* feature arrays, and populates the world map with cells.
function createBlankWorld() {
* Initializes the world settings such as drawing type, pixel size, tectonics,
* height, and width.
function initializeWorldSettings() {
world.drawingType = "colorful";
world.tectonics = { spreadingCenters: [] };
world.height = world.height || 256;
world.width = world.width || 512;
settings.pixelSize = settings.height / world.height
* Sets geographical points such as the equator, steppe top and bottom,
* frost points, and desert points based on the world's height.
function setGeographicalPoints() {
world.equator = Math.floor(world.height / 2);
world.steppeTop = world.equator + Math.floor(world.height / 8);
world.steppeBottom = world.equator - Math.floor(world.height / 8);
world.frostPointBottom = Math.floor(world.height / 10);
world.frostPointTop = world.height - world.frostPointBottom;
world.desertPointTop = Math.floor(world.height / 2) + Math.floor(world.height / 10);
world.desertPointBottom = Math.floor(world.height / 2) - Math.floor(world.height / 10);
* Initializes arrays to hold various features of the world such as maps, rivers,
* mountains, forests, and other geographical and cultural elements.
function initializeFeatureArrays() {
world.map = [];
world.rivers = [];
world.mountains = [];
world.forests = [];
world.riverIds = [];
world.religions = [];
world.asteroids = [];
world.trees = [];
world.continents = [];
world.continentsByProvince = [];
world.landCells = [];
world.populatedCells = [];
world.provinces = [];
* Populates the world map with cells. Each cell is initialized with default properties.
function populateWorldMap() {
for (let y = 0; y < world.height; y++) {
const row = [];
for (let x = 0; x < world.width; x++) {
row.push(createCell(x, y));
* Creates a cell at the specified coordinates and initializes its properties.
* @param {number} x - The x-coordinate of the cell.
* @param {number} y - The y-coordinate of the cell.
* @returns {object} The created cell with initialized properties.
function createCell(x, y) {
return {
x: x,
y: y,
ckX: x * settings.pixelSize, // top left corner of extended square
ckY: settings.height - (y * settings.pixelSize), // top left corner of extended square
tree: false,
elevation: getRandomInt(-254, -200),
magma: 0,
asteroidNames: [],
river: false,
lake: false,
beach: false,
population: 0,
raindrops: 0,
floodFilled: false,
dropToWater: false