* Performs a comprehensive cleanup of the world map in a single loop.
* Removes stray land, mountain, and water cells by adjusting their elevation
* based on the number of neighboring cells of the same type.
function cleanupWorld() {
let removedCoasts = 0;
let removedWater = 0;
let removedMountains = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < world.height; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < world.width; j++) {
let cell = xy(j, i);
// Clean up stray coasts
if (cell.elevation >= limits.seaLevel.upper) {
removedCoasts += cleanupStrayCells(cell, limits.seaLevel.upper, -1, false);
// Clean up stray water
if (cell.elevation < limits.seaLevel.upper) {
removedWater += cleanupStrayCells(cell, limits.seaLevel.upper, limits.seaLevel.upper + 1, true);
// Clean up stray mountains
if (cell.elevation >= limits.mountains.lower) {
removedMountains += cleanupStrayCells(cell, limits.mountains.lower, limits.mountains.lower - 1, false);
console.log(`${removedCoasts} coasts removed`);
console.log(`${removedWater} water cells removed`);
console.log(`${removedMountains} mountains removed`);
* Cleans up stray cells by adjusting their elevation based on the number of neighboring cells.
* @param {Object} cell - The cell to check and potentially adjust.
* @param {number} limit - The elevation limit to compare against.
* @param {number} newElevation - The new elevation to set if the cell is determined to be stray.
* @param {boolean} isWater - Whether the cleanup is for water cells.
* @returns {number} The number of cells removed (1 if the cell was adjusted, otherwise 0).
function cleanupStrayCells(cell, limit, newElevation, isWater) {
try {
let neighbors = getNeighbors(cell.x, cell.y);
let similarNeighbors = 0;
for (let n = 0; n < neighbors.length; n++) {
if (isWater && neighbors[n].elevation < limit) {
similarNeighbors += 1;
} else if (!isWater && neighbors[n].elevation >= limit) {
similarNeighbors += 1;
if (similarNeighbors < 3) {
cell.elevation = newElevation;
if (newElevation === -1) cell.beach = false;
return 1;
} catch {
// Handle potential errors, e.g., accessing undefined neighbors
return 0;
* Performs a comprehensive cleanup of the world by calling specific cleanup functions.
* This function performs the following steps:
* 1. Cleans up the world by calling the `cleanupWorld` function.
* 2. Identifies and processes beach areas by calling the `getBeaches` function.
function cleanupAll() {